Misadventure of “Sneakerscop”
Beware before sinking money in online purchases

Sprouts Story In Public Interest

Nowadays a Muhurat, (auspicious time) is ascertained even before proceedings for physical exercises. The sneakers are required for morning walk, jogging and for other leisure activities.
The sneakerscop.co.in makes the best use of this psyche and swindles the gullible buyers.

The above website offers the footwear brands like Nike, Adidas with 50 to 60 per cent discount. Like the vegetables are priced in the market, this website too offers two pairs for Rs 1299/-, three pairs for Rs 1799 and so on, through its advertisement.

Usually this website attracts over 77,000 followers on Instagram, in addition to daily updates. Obviously the people are lured by such offers. One such customer viewed the advertisement through Instagram and checked the reviews which too were positive. As such he paid the charges on google pay and also paid separate charges for the delivery.

︎ But after the payment, the customer did not receive any confirmatory e-mail. Perturbed, the customer tried to reach the vendor through the landline phone. But the number turned out to be invalid. This meant that the address provided by the vendor was fake and eventually he lost the money.

This is not the complaint of the duped buyer Aditya alone. This website is flooded with thousands of such complaints on its customer review section. Some of the YouTubers have also described this site as a “fraud”. The comments section of this website has been blocked. And its followers are fake.

The screenshots in the reviews section of the website have no links. Despite this, the products are being promoted through social platforms like Instagram. There is no fact- check facility on Instagram which normally boasts of content security. That is the reason these fake websites make the best use of Instagram and flourish.

Usually such fake websites are opened in the name of some products for two to three months. If the fraud is detected, then they take a new domain name for Rs 800/-. Then its new brand and new logo. The products are offered in the price range of Rs 1000 to Rs 2000/-, so that the duped customers do not approach police and the cyber cell also does not take cognizance of such small deals.