Over the past two years, governments across the globe have been facing stiff dictatorial pricing from pharma giants like Pfizer and Moderna over the pandemic related vaccines that are floated across markets.

The latest variant of the Covid-19 pandemic, namely Omicron, has been spreading very fast and has percolated to 100 countries across the world. While at the one end, the World Health Organization (WHO) keeps talking about putting an end to the pandemic before the end of 2022, indicators are strong that it is highly unlikely.

Our Sprouts’ Special Investigation Team (SIT) learnt that every wave of this pandemic is an opportunity for the global Pharma giants to make obscenely huge profits by marketing their vaccines to the global community.

Our SIT further learnt that these two pharma giants grew astronomically richer with a mere eight of their investors gaining by over USD 10 billion in a short span of time when Omicron spread rapidly. People in the know of this have now started asserting that these companies must be made to share their vaccines with the world.

However, their greed for profits not knowing any bounds has caused untold misery to governments across the globe. For instance, in the year 2020, Moderna was a loss making company. However, with the commencement of their vaccine sales, they made a massive USD 7 billion profit in 2021 alone.

Pfizer, the other giant player has managed to augment its profits from USD 8 billion in 2020 to a whooping USD 19 billion in 2021. The majority of the boost in its profits has been owing to sale of its vaccine in markets across the globe, our SIT learnt.

In short, while governments, doctors and medical professionals across the globe are busy trying to end the pandemic generated crisis, the pharma giants are working diametrically opposed to such ends.

Govts unable to control arm-twisting pharma giants

The medical fraternity and pharma cos at loggerheads

Global pharma giants make huge profits on vaccines

Govts unable to control arm-twisting pharma giants

The medical fraternity and pharma cos at loggerheads

World communities should combat this drug cartel