No arrangement of accommodation abroad, despite collecting huge money

Unmesh Gujarathi
Sprouts Exclusive

A Dutch is a well-known online travel company that has been offering services of making accommodation available in the hotel world, since 1996. However, of late, the complaints of lop-sided services by the company are growing.

A social worker Mukund Kulkarni residing in Worli willing to visit London between June 10 and June 15, had booked accommodation in Hotel City Aldgate through the website. He had booked the accommodation a month in advance after making payment and obtained a receipt from the company.

When Kulkarni reached London with his wife and two children, the hotel management refused to give him accommodation saying that the hotel doesn’t give accommodation to those below 25 years.

Kulkarni urged the hotel management that since he is 60 and his wife 55, they could be allowed today in the hotel and the children would be accommodated elsewhere. Despite this, the hotel management drove them away. Eventually, Kulkarni paid double the charges and the arrangement of accommodation elsewhere. Then he lodged the complaint with booking.Com. But to no avail.

After returning to India, Kulkarni lodged a complaint with Worli Police narrating the incident. However, it’s nearly a month now and the police have not even registered an FIR in the case. It was learnt that the police had contacted Booking.Com but they are delaying the matter and are not taking action against the online travel company.

The Worli police are being accused of having an underhand deal with the online travel company. Not only this, but they are even functioning as the agents of the travel company. The role of worli and the cyber police is doubtful, the Special Investigative Team has learnt from reliable sources.