Unmesh Gujarathi
Sprouts Exclusive

Former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt, born and brought up in Mumbai, was arrested on September 05, 2018. This was injustice and it is unfortunate that the Gujarat Government wants to make him rot in jail even after 04 years.

Sanjiv Bhatt, born on Maharashtra soil, came into focus due to an affidavit he submitted to the Commission inquiring Gujarat riots. He lambasted the then Gujarat CM and now Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi.

The communal riots (Godhra) erupted in 2002 in Gujarat. During one of the meetings, Modi reportedly gave instructions that the Hindus will retaliate and they be allowed to do so.

Sanjiv Bhatt claimed in his affidavit before the Commission that he was present in the meeting in which Modi gave the above instructions. Bhatt’s statement has put an indelible blot on Modi’s political career.

However, due to his statement, Bhatt had to face intolerable torture by Gujarat Government. Not only this, he was falsely implicated in a 27-year-old case of cheating a lawyer. Bhatt is behind bars whereas Narendra Modi has been given a clean chit by the Supreme court.

Unfortunately, these facts are not even being mentioned in the media and all political party leaders have been keeping mum.