Crores swindled through the media plan

Unmesh Gujarathi
Sprouts Follow Up

The BJP Shiv Sena Government floated tenders worth Rs 1200 crore for publicity through the Directorate General of Public Relation and Information (DGIPR). The then Director Ajay Ambekar pocketed a 7.5 percent commission out of this deal for five years, the Special Investigation Team of Sprouts has learned from reliable sources with documentary evidence.

Over 55 departments function under the Maharashtra Government. They include the departments like Urban Development, Social Welfare, Transport, Water Conservation, Industries, Labour etc.

The tenders are floated annually to give positive publicity to the work carried out by these departments. The powers to float these tenders were earlier with respective departments. However, the Fadanavis Government issued a GR in 2018 under which the work of preparing a media plan for all these departments was entrusted to DGIPR.

Ambekar made the best misuse of this GR. Under this plan, respective departments were required to deposit a 7.5 percent amount of the tenders with DGIPR. Ambekar had a hidden partnership with 4 to 5 Government recognized advertising agencies. He was preparing a media plan and these departments were willy-nilly required to award contracts to the advertisement agencies selected by Ambekar.

Ambekar used to submit fake certificates of completion of work by these agencies. Basically, the work used remains incomplete and whatever little work was completed, it was through social media of DGIPR and other media forums. The bills were approved without the work being completed and Ambekar had a lion’s share in this clandestine deal.

DGIPR was used to collect a 7.5 % amount from respective departments. The amount was shown as utilized for computer purchase, transport, research and office expenses etc. Basically, all work was carried out by the employees of the DGIPR internally.

DGIPR was used to collect a 7.5 % amount from respective departments. The amount was shown as utilized for computer purchase, transport, research, and office expenses etc. Basically, all work was carried out by the employees of the DGIPR internally. The 7.5 percent amount received from the departments was pocketed instead of remitting it into the Government treasury. To cover up the matter, the expenses were shown by way of computer purchase etc. Ambekar has also purchased benami property abroad.