State Cooperation dept disqualifies Darekar

BJP MLC and leader of the Opposition in the state legislative council Pravin Darekar who was elected unopposed as a Director of the Mumbai District Central Coop Bank (Mumbai Bank) has been disqualified as a director (labour constituency ) of the bank by the state cooperation department.

Darekar has been disqualified even as the results of the five yearly election to the Mumbai District Central Coop Bank are being announced. It has also come to the fore that although not a “labourer” himself, Darekar has been holding the “Directorship” of the bank claiming to be a member under the labour category since 1997 and has been cheating the Maharashtra Government since long.

The statement by the State Cooperation Department has made it clear that a person declaring his property worth crores rupees in an affidavit to the Election Commission of India and his registration as professional, and who has been receiving a monthly honorarium of Rs 2.50 lakh in his capacity as a leader of the Opposition, cannot be a laborer.

While Darekar’s “Sahakar Panel” has won in the election to the Mumbai District Central Coop Bank, he has been disqualified as a member from the “labour” category. Darekar, despite being an ex MLA and present MLC, has been contesting the election to the Mumbai District Central Coop Bank claiming himself as a “labourer”.

Cooperation Minister Balasaheb Patil had ordered an inquiry into the matter. A show case notice was served to Darekar by the state Cooperation Department asking him why he should not be disqualified from membership of the bank. Darekar was asked to furnish an explanation till December 31,2021. Since no explanation was received, Joint Registrar of Cooperative societies Bajirao Shinde issued orders disqualifying him on Monday.

A laborer is a person who does labour work involving physical strain. The person depends on the labour for his living.

“In an affidavit while filing nomination to the Maharashtra Legislative Council, you had declared the property of your family as Rs 2 crore, 13 lakh and 5,500/-. This included immovable assets worth Rs 91 lakh, two thousand in your own name. You have been receiving a monthly honorarium (along with allowances) of Rs 2.50 lakh as a member of the Maharashtra Legislative Council. Prima facie you do not appear to be a “labourer””, Shinde’s order stated.

“In your affidavit you have mentioned yourself as “an Independent Professional”. It does not indicate that you are carrying “labour work” anywhere. As per the scrutiny by the deputy Registrar, “A” ward, you became a member of the “Pratidnya Labor Cooperative on April 07,1997. However no documents to prove that you are a “labourer” were submitted by you to the competent authority”.

“In verification of records undertaken by the Deputy registrar, Cooperative Societies “A” ward on December 12,2021, the logbook of the Pratima Labour cooperative, allotting to you the “labour” work was not available. However the muster roll stated that your received wages in cash as: April 2017-@ Rs 450 per day x 30 days=Rs 13,500/-, November 2017-@Rs 450 per day x 20 days=Rs 9000/- and December 2017-@ 325 x 10 days=Rs 3250/-. You signed the muster as a supervisor but there is no record to show that you worked as a labourer”.

“The post of supervisor falls in the employee category. As such it appears that you did not work as a “labourer” and worked as an employee of the Pratima Labor Cooperative society. Hence you cannot be considered as a ”labourer”. Besides you have received the remuneration in cash as against the notification of the state Cooperation Department dated January 21, 2017. This is in violation of the Government notification”.

“ You have other independent sources of income which do not fall under the definition of “labourer”. As such I am convinced that you should be disqualified from the membership of the Pratima Labour Cooperative Society under sections 11 and 22 (1 A) of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rules, 1960”.

“Since you do not meet requirements to become a member of any labour cooperative as a “labourer”, you are being disqualified as a member of the Pratima Labor Cooperative Society. Besides, the District registrar is being directed to remove you from the membership of the Pratima Labor Cooperative society”, Joint Registrar Bajirao Shinde stated in his order.

As per Cooperative Law, only a laborer can become a member of any labour cooperative society. Since Darekar is not a laborer he was disqualified to enroll himself as a member of the Pratma labour cooperative. However this fact was overlooked by the state cooperation department. Darekar contested the election of the Mumbai District Central Coop Bank and became its director and chairman many times. This is a blatant violation of law.

“Darekar is an outsider in BJP. Yet he was taken in the party fold and was elevated to the position of the leader of the state legislative council by BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis. The grass root BJP workers are already upset with Darekar’s elevation, sidelining original loyal BJP workers. Darekar has cheated thousands of bank depositors. As such I will be registering a case in the police station”

Adv. Dilip Laxman Inkar
Social worker


Coop dept disqualifies Darekar
Holds Directorship committing a fraud
MLC becomes a laborer to become a bank director
Darekar disqualified as a member of the labor cooperative
He Will be stripped off as a Director of Mumbai Bank
State Cooperation dept disqualifies Darekar
Darekar to be thrown out of Mumbai Bank
Darekar plays a fraud on govt and the bank